You chose your Soul Contract

I believe that we incarnate into this vessel, with a pre-defined Soul Contract, an agreement to the experiences necessary to provide a reflection, either a mirrored image or in opposition to bring your awareness to the Inner Child wounds that need attention. Soul Contracts define lessons your soul wishes to master, soul connections, and karmic debts/ healing pathways, major life themes and experiences needed for spiritual growth that we agreed to before conception. Your past-life patterns, unresolved traumas, and mastery of specific spiritual lessons all contribute to what is included in your soul contract.

The Akashic Records are an energetic library that contains every thought, action, and experience your soul has ever had across all lifetimes. Before creating a new soul contract, your guides review your past karmic imprints, lessons learned, and unfinished cycles stored in these records. While soul contracts set the foundation, you always have free will in how you navigate your journey. The Akashic Records continuously update based on your choices, meaning new agreements can be created, altered, or even dissolved as you evolve.

If a soul has been working on healing abandonment wounds over multiple lifetimes, your new contract might include relationships that challenge you to cultivate deep self-worth and security, for example. As you complete lessons, break karmic cycles, and awaken to higher consciousness, your soul contract shifts. These changes are reflected in your Akashic Records, influencing future contracts and your overall soul evolution.

In essence, the Akashic Records act as the “database” of your soul, while Soul Contracts are the “blueprints” guiding your experiences.

Which brings me to the 7 Rays of Divine Light; spiritual frequencies that emanate from the Divine Source, guiding the soul’s evolution towards the awakened state of unconditional love, divine wisdom, and sacred service. Each Ray represents a different aspect of divine consciousness you are meant to embody, refine, and master. Before incarnating, your soul reviews its past experiences and future evolution in the Akashic Records and, along with your guides, determines which Rays will be most beneficial for your growth. Some souls are assigned Rays to balance past-life karma, while others choose Rays that align with their soul’s mission.

Every soul has an intrinsic vibration that resonates more strongly with certain Rays. This determines your natural gifts, challenges, and role in the collective awakening—whether as a healer, teacher, leader, or creator. Some souls anchor a primary Ray throughout their journey, while others move fluidly between them based on their soul’s mission. As you evolve, your connection to different Rays expands through activations, spiritual practices, and energy work. Certain initiations (like Reiki attunements, DNA activations, or deep meditation) can awaken dormant Rays within your field, accelerating your mastery, bringing you closer to your soul’s mission in this life.

The 7 Rays; the energetic archetype of the soul:

Ray 1 (Will & Power): Focuses on leadership, courage, and purpose.

Ray 2 (Love & Wisdom): Represents compassion, understanding, and spiritual teaching.

Ray 3 (Active Intelligence): Encourages creativity, adaptability, and the mind’s brilliance.

Ray 4 (Harmony through Conflict): Brings balance, beauty, and spiritual growth through challenges.

Ray 5 (Concrete Knowledge): Focuses on truth, science, and logic.

Ray 6 (Devotion & Idealism): Represents faith, loyalty, and alignment with higher ideals.

Ray 7 (Ceremonial Order & Magic): Governs rituals, transformation, and manifesting spiritual energy into the physical plane.

The Akashic Records provide the foundation, the Soul Contract sets the agreements, a/combination of the 7 Rays provides the skills and support, and your soul’s free will determines how the journey unfolds